WestConnex M4-M5 Link : Rozelle Interchange - modification : Iron Cove ventilation underground : response to submissions report

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WestConnex M4-M5 Link : Rozelle Interchange - modification : Iron Cove ventilation underground : response to submissions report
Transport for NSW
Date published
A Modification report (dated November 2019) for the proposed Modification was prepared in accordance with Section 5.25 of the EP&A Act. The Modification report provided full details of the proposed changes to the Approved Project as part of the Modification and an environmental assessment of the proposed changes. During the public exhibition of the Modification report, submissions were received by DPIE. The Planning Secretary provided copies of the submissions to Transport for NSW. This Response to submissions (this Report) has been prepared to respond to these submissions. The Response to submissions (this Report) will be provided to DPIE for consideration. After DPIE completes its assessment, an Environmental Assessment Report will be prepared for the Planning Secretary, which may include additional recommended Planning Approval Conditions of Approval (CoAs). The assessment report will then be provided to the NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, to determine the Modification. A copy of this Response to submissions will be published by DPIE on the DPIE Major Project’s website. The NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces determination, including any Planning Approval conditions (if relevant) and the Secretary’s report, will be published on DPIE’s website following determination. This Response to submissions report has the following structure: • Part A – Introduction and overview of consultation and submissions received • Part B – Response to key stakeholder submissions • Part C – Response to community submissions • Part D – Environmental Management Measures, Conditions of Approval and conclusion • References • Appendix A – Submission identification number reference table
New South Wales
© State of New South Wales
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